How to make money Online from Ipweb
Ipweb is best source for making money online for beginners. You can make money here by surfing websites, watching videos, testing apps, doing social tasks. Minimum withdrawal is 0.05 USD.
You can get your withdrawal by payeer, perfect money, webmoney, Advcash, Tether and credit card for Russian citizens only.
Methods of earning money on ipweb
It is best method of earning where you can earn money by visiting websites. Amount paid depends upon time and type of surfing.
It normally pays 0.0017 USD for visit and click on ads takes 1 to 2 minutes.
When clicks on different internal links it pay about 0.0034 USD.
When clicks from search engine it pays about 0.0046 to 0.0092 USD.
Best website for earning in which advertiser Get traffic, SEO and clicks on ads and user can earn money by surfing ipweb acts intermediate between users and advertiser.
YouTube Tasks
In this method you can get paid for watching YouTube videos normally it pays 0.0033 USD for 2 minutes watching videos and 0.0022 for watching 30 seconds video and clicks on Ad.
You can get paid more by watching 2.5 minutes video and 5+ minutes videos.
You can also paid for like, comments, share or report videos and for subscribing YouTube channels.
Facebook tasks
You can earn by liking Facebook pages and Facebook posts about 0.0022 USD. You can also earn by watching videos and sharing posts to your profile.
LinkedIn tasks
It is a business and employment focus social network. You can earn by joining connection, liking posts and sharing posts to your profile.
Twitter Tasks
In this method you can earn by retweets, liking tweets and following accounts.
Dzen Tasks
It creates feed content that automatically adjusted to users. You can earn by subscribe account, liking or visiting the article.
Telegram Tasks
Telegram is chatting app similar to Whatsapp. You can earn here by joining channels , by voting and reading posts and sharing posts.
Instagram Tasks
In Instagram tasks you will earn by liking posts , sharing posts and reporting accounts, watching stories etc.
Markets tasks
In this method you will earn by adding items in cart no need to buy items and then send screenshots to advertiser. You will earn after approval from advertiser.
Yandex marketplace, tripadvisor and others.
By placing reviews
You can earn by placing reviews and add rating in Google maps, reviews products on Google search ,Yandex map , google Play store after downloading apps.
Vk tasks
You will earn by voting, likes , join groups , share , add friends , watching videos, leave comments and many other methods.
TikTok tasks
You can earn by watching videos, liking video sharing video and following accounts.
Pinterest tasks
You can earn by saving pins and following accounts.
Apps tasks
You can earn by downloading apps and use it for few minutes, reviews and ratings apps on play store then send screenshots to advertiser.